Hiring an intern? Here’s 13 things you need to know.

Interns: The Untapped Resource for Growing Companies
In the past, interns were often viewed as temporary additions to the workforce. Internships were usually part of academic syllabi that might not even contribute to credits, leading to a rather carefree attitude between the company and the intern.
But times are changing. If you still hold that outdated ideology, you are missing out. For most start-ups and small companies, deciding whether to hire interns can be tricky. Here’s a list of checkpoints to evaluate when your company is ready to recruit, train, and benefit from an intern:
1. What Do You Need?
Before going on a hiring spree, discuss with your heads of department and analyze the need for extra hands. This will help broadly identify projects for an internship program.
2. Be Specific
Break down the projects into a structured set of tasks and measurable goals. This will also help you explain the job to the intern.
3. Matching Goals
Look for interns eager to learn from your company. With clear internship objectives, consider applicants whose career goals complement your company’s objectives. Center your interviews around this discussion.
4. Passion, Experience, or Skill?
What’s more important to you? Most interns are young and at the start of their careers. Identifying those excited about your company generally leads to a fruitful internship. While experience and skill are valuable, passion for the job often helps interns attain everything else.
5. Really Basic Needs
This doesn’t always mean monetary remuneration. Interns, like any employee, need acknowledgment. Many companies often forget simple preparations for an intern. Finding a permanent seat, introducing the intern to the team, etc., if overlooked, can significantly affect intern morale. Make preparations to welcome interns.
6. A Formal Induction
Not all companies need to induct interns, but giving them a complete overview of the company and its objectives enables them to have a broader outlook while performing tasks.
7. Guidance, Guidance, and Some More Guidance
Assigning a mentor to the intern makes the experience more rewarding. Especially in the initial days, having someone to guide them and monitor their progress allows you to control the internship outcome.
8. Another Secret About Guidance
Hiring an intern is like hiring a test employee. By making the mentor a little difficult to reach, you can gauge how passionate the intern is about getting the job done. Finding that intern with a fire in the belly can be rewarding and significantly reduce future hiring costs.
9. Pick a Style and Stick to It
Be consistent with your management style for interns. Don’t offer complete creative freedom one day and micromanage the next.
10. You May Want to Write This Down
Since you know the internship project, decide if it is a one-time job or an ongoing process. Adding documentation to the intern’s tasks from the start ensures continuity.
11. Intern Today, Employee Tomorrow
You might find an intern who fits perfectly into your company, like a missing piece in a jigsaw puzzle. However, lacking resources to hire them can be a waste of your time and energy. Always keep a buffer to hire the intern if needed.
12. Free PR
This digitally active generation shares their experiences actively with friends and family. A free positive word of mouth is always beneficial for any organization.
13. Hiring Low-Cost Too Early Isn’t Always Cheap
Start-ups may be tempted to get low-cost or unpaid interns. We recommend paying interns for two reasons: a larger talent pool and a more engaged intern. Sometimes, paying multiple interns minimal amounts can be less productive and more costly than hiring a single experienced individual. Weigh your options well before setting up an internship program.