How to validate Form16 Digital Sign

Form 16 Validation


It is important to validate the digital signature of the Form-16. The digital signature exists at the bottom of the Form-16.

To check the validity/ authenticity of the digital signature, please download the Form 16 on to your hard disk & follow the signature validation process as enclosed.

1. Open the attached PDF document.
2. Click on digital signature to be validate
3. Select Signature properties
4. Click on show certificate tab
5. Click on Trust tab
6. Click on Add to Trusted identities tab
7. Select ok
8. Tick all boxes and click on ok tab
9. Click on validate signature tab and then close
10. Again click on question mark tab

After following the above steps the question mark will be replaced with a green tick mark. This indicates that your Form 16 has been validated.

Please do save your Form 16 copy for any future reference without fail, as hard copy will not be provided.